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Come Ride Colorado’s Grand Valley

Current Trail Conditions

Wednesday, September 18

Fruita is cool at night and pleasantly warm during the day as we pedal into the epic fall riding season! Kokopelli is riding great. 18 Road/ Bookcliff Trails are fun. Lunch Loops are rugged and ready. Recent rains have created a few surprise ruts and a thrown some loose rocks in places they didn't used to be, so keep an eye out. 

The weather today: Er, there is absolutely no reason that you should not be out riding today. Sunny! Temperate! Make it happen! Have fun!

Early Fall  Weather and Trail Report Overview

It's prime riding weather in Fruita! Mornings are cool and a wonderful time to be on the trails! By late afternoon it's warm and dry, so, as usual, take plenty of water. Evenings are generally amazing, and twilight lingers until after 7:15, so enjoy the evening air and ride! A big bright moon will ease you into the darkness for the next few evenings. A partial lunar eclipse on Tuesday night hits peak around 8:30 pm.  Take your lights and extend your ride into the dark if you're into that.


*When wet, the mud here can cling to your bike like peanut-butter cement. Don't do that to the trails or your bike. There's more Danger Mud potential at the 18 Road/Bookcliffs and the Lunch Loops trails than at the other trails. If there's an expectation of precipitation, keep an eye on the sky and our trail report.

*Autumn wildflowers feature snakeweed and rabbit brush, both brightening the desert with bouquets of yellow.

*Important note to our visitors: Our rough, tough, high elevation desert is actually quite fragile. The soil is held together by a biological crust that keeps dirt and sand from blowing away, holds moisture, and contains nutrients for all the desert plants and wildlife. Please stay on the trail, walk carefully to overlooks, and don't make new "creative" lines. We practice the "Fruita Tripod Lean": when yielding to approaching riders, put your tires on the edge of the trail and step and lean outward to allow others to pass. This keeps the trails narrow and fun, and doesn't bust the cyrpto crust. Let's work together to keep singletrack single!

*The Palisade Plunge is open; Shuttles are scheduled to run through October 8. Check the internet for details. 

*Powderhorn Mountain on Grand Mesa is open for lift-operated gravity riding Saturdays and Sundays through October 6.

If you find that any trail conditions have changed, please let us know, so we can alert others, by texting 970-858-7220.


Our group rides will return soon!

Welcome to the Center of the Mountain Bike Universe!

Below we'll focus on our own smaller sphere of rad-ness, but at the bottom of our list we'll throw out a list of places you should visit that are roughly within a 6 hour drive of Fruita. Remember that the time of year that you plan to visit matters a lot.

Where should I ride? 

We're glad you asked! Fruita is located on the west side of the Grand Valley, which primarily reaches from Palisade and the slope of the Grand Mesa westward into Grand County, Utah.  We're located near six different trail systems, which are covered in greater detail below. When you arrive in Fruita, your closest rides will be Kokopelli (8 minutes from downtown Fruita) and the 18 Road trail system (23 minutes from downtown Fruita). Consult our staff for detailed trail beta once you land in the shop!

Book Cliffs / 18rd Trails / North Fruita Desert

These packed, bentonite trails offer flow, jumps, and mostly directional travel for maximum fun and safety! This is a great trail system for beginner riders as well as seasoned riders. If you like downhill flow, this is the place to ride! 

Kokopelli Loop Trails/Loma/Mack

The Kokopelli trail system is where beautiful scenery meets amazing riding. This system of stacked, singletrack loops is also the start of the 142-mile Kokopelli Trail that goes from Loma, CO to Moab, UT. However, the trail system is packed with many days’ worth of single track riding, with layers of beginner to advanced singletrack stacked on top cliff bands overlooking the Colorado River.

Lunch Loop/Tabeguache/Third Flats/Bangs Canyon

This spider web of steep, gnarly, rocky singletrack  will keep the most advanced riders on their toes. The Tabeguache Trail begins at this system, as well as rides ranging in difficulty and distance. Go here for quick 3.5 mile spin, or begin an all-day technical challenge. We love helping people plan rides in this trail system, as there is some directional travel.

Rabbit Valley/Westwater

When asked for a third day of riding we always ask. “Do you want something really technical, or something easier with amazing scenery?” Rabbit Valley is a moto-legal, multi-use area that straddles the Colorado and Utah border. The system's premier trail, the Western Rim, winds along the bands of red cliffs above the Colorado River. It's one of the most visually striking trails on the planet. The area isn't overly technical in whole, but has "technical moments" that will keep you on your toes.

Palisade Rim and The Palisade Plunge

The Palisade Rim and especially the newly built Palisade Plunge are technical, expert undertakings! If you start at the bottom and climb up the Palisade Rim Trail you will not get a warm up on the anaerobic climb, but you'll be rewarded with fun, technical riding and beautiful views. Please enjoy the petroglyphs without touching! Keep in mind that the sections of trail near the rim, and especially the Plunge from Shirttail Point to Palisade, are very exposed and might exceed many riders' comfort level.

Turkey Flats/Pinyon Mesa

Oops, I came to Fruita when it's 100 degrees outside! You need to beat the heat by riding our closest high elevation trails. Turkey Flats, Haypress, Reservoir and Black Pine will all give you a ride above 9000ft in elevation. You'll be cruising through Aspen trees and crossing babbling streams. You can even take a swim in the many lakes if you can handle cold water!

Sooo, tell me more about these other places I should ride that are a bit further from Fruita. I want to expand out from the Center of the Universe...

Get the Gear You Need

Shop for the perfect bike before your next ride. We’re here to answer all of your cycling related questions.


You're here to ride and we're here to get you out on the trails quickly and safely. Whether you need a brake bled, derailleur adjusted, flat repaired or a full blown tune, we have a great team of mechanics that will fix up your bike so it’s safe and ready for you to get back out on the trails.

Visit us today. No appointment necessary!